Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

Ephesians 4:31

In preparation for Sunday, I have spent some time studying this passage. It is blowing my mind! Paul is telling the church to get rid of ALL bitterness, ALL rage, ALL anger, ALL harsh words, ALL slander. He considers them as evil behavior.

Have I always considered these things as evil behaviors?


I have dealt with bitterness for the greater portion of my life. I used bitterness as a coping device for the unresolved issues in my life. And frankly, I really enjoyed it. It was my excuse to have "justified anger". Personally, it took me hitting rock bottom to realize my struggles and allow God to pick up the pieces. It took me getting to a place of full surrender for God to begin restoration. Healing is still occurring but I now walk in a new freedom.

Bitterness is the product of our own pettiness.

Are we really killing the evil behavior in our lives or are we just putting a band aid over a severed limb?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True that,.... You have been posting some really good stuff on your blog. and i am just going to tell you that when i see you, i see a true follower of Christ, i see that your heart is truly affected by his love. its coming out on your blog, its coming on your students, and it will come out on your sermon this sunday....GLORY BE TO GOD!

your Little bit Elder and not much wiser brother from another mother.