Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holidaze Take 5

1. In the wake of a very successful Student Ministry Vision Night, God is up to something amazing. There were 54 total students and adults in attendance!!! AWESOME!!! God is raising up a new generation that is going to change the world.

2. The announcement of the DCLA Conference was so exciting. Not only am I fired up about the trip but students and their parents are too! God is going to use this entire journey to LA in a mighty way. Hang on to your hats and glasses!

3. Angel Tree - I am so proud of the seven students who gave up their Friday night and served at the Angel Tree Party. A difference was made for the Kingdom.

4. Relationships are a lot of work. Much love to the staff and my circle of friends as they have come around me and Natalie as we prepare for the next step of marriage. Their support has been unmatched.

5. Personally, I have been learning some good but hard lessons about my life. I know that my walk with God is not where I want it to be (and I say this being in full time ministry). God is making my life very uncomfortable right now. All I know is that when things get crazy and uncomfortable growth and blessings are on the way.